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香港浸会大学MICHAEL N. YOUNG副教授学术讲座通知

文章来源: 作者: 审核: 发布时间:2013年09月09日 点击数: 字号:【
        应365体育官方唯一入口邀请,香港浸会大学MICHAEL N. YOUNG副教授授将于9月11日为我院研究生进行学术讲座,欢迎广大师生届时参加。

Perspective: How the ‘Theory of the Firm’ Can Shed Light on how Strategic Choices are made in Emerging Economies

Indigenous emerging economy firms are increasingly competing in global markets, or against multinational corporations in their home markets, but the institutional context in which their organizations and routines are embedded is at the local level. It is believed that institutional weakness may put these firms at a competitive disadvantage. Yet there has been little conceptual research that specifically focuses on how institutions affect strategic choices in emerging economies. This conceptual paper addresses this gap in the literature. We utilize three popular theories of the firm – neoclassical economics, resource-based view and nexus of contracts – to show how the strategic choices that face managers in emerging economies are different from the strategic choices that face managers in mature economies. We then explain how these differences in strategic choices affect firm boundaries, internal organization and the nature of competitive advantage for firms in emerging economies.

Keywords: Institutions; Strategic Choices; Emerging economies; Theory of the firm




Since 2006 Hong Kong Baptist University. Associate Professor of Management. Currently serving as Associate Director of MBA and MScBM Programmes
1999-2006 Chinese University of Hong Kong. Assistant Professor of Management.
1993-1998 University of Connecticut. Instructor & Research Assistant.
1990-1993 West Virginia State University. Department of Economics. Instructor.
1990 West Virginia Governor's Office of Industrial Development. Planner II.
1988-1989 University of Connecticut, Department of Economics. Teaching Assistant.
1987-1988 West Virginia Department of Employment Security. Labor Market Analyst.
1987 Banc One. Charleston, West Virginia. Collection Adjuster.
1985-1986 West Virginia Governor's Office of Community and Industrial Development. Cooperative-education intern.

1999 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. Ph.D. - business administration with concentration in strategic management.
1989 University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. M.A. - economics with concentration in labor economics.
1986 West Virginia State University. Institute, WV. B.A. - economics with minor in business administration.